Do you have homework in your kindergarten classrooms??
My grade level team sends home a homework sheet at the beginning of each week to go with whatever letter or digraph we are working on that particular week. Yes, we have homework in Kindergarten!
Here's my philosophy:
1. It builds responsibility and gets kids and parents into the "homework" routine but with little stress and no consequences.
2. It builds a home-school connection. Parents know what we are working on that week and they get a chance to see what their student can do.
3. Practice makes perfect so what does it hurt to spend a few minutes at home practicing the skills we are working on all week?
I send the worksheet home on Monday and it's due back by Friday. I keep track (sort of!) of who brings it back and who doesn't, but there is no consequence for not turning it in. It's strictly extra practice.
We focus on a letter a week (but we don't work strictly on that letter), but we are at that point in the year when we've done all the letters and we are now working on digraphs and other spelling patterns.
A while back I blogged about my digraph pack that I used in my classroom. The kids loved it and did such a good job with it! To read more about those activities, check out this post.
We discovered that we did not have any homework sheets for digraphs that we were satisfied with. So I created some! Included are worksheets for digraphs sh, ch, th, wh, and ck.
(Please forgive the crazy border thingy--I was messing around with the editing feature and somehow lost the original pictures and only had these to post! Oops!)
Head over to my TpT store to get these free digraph worksheets!
If you're interested in my digraph activities pack, click here!
I'm linking up with Freebielicious to bring you this freebie on the first! Head over there and check out all the amazing free products!

Also, don't forget to visit Sara at Primary Buzz to participate in her fundraiser for the family of Martin Richard, the little boy who was killed in the Boston Marathon bombing.

And Miss Williams at Fluttering in First Grade is celebrating 100 followers with a great giveaway! Click the link to her blog to go enter!

Also, don't forget to visit Sara at Primary Buzz to participate in her fundraiser for the family of Martin Richard, the little boy who was killed in the Boston Marathon bombing.

And Miss Williams at Fluttering in First Grade is celebrating 100 followers with a great giveaway! Click the link to her blog to go enter!
Wow! These are great, thank you for sharing this freebie. I am now your newest follower.
First Grade A to Z
Thanks! Glad you can use them!