Yesterday, as we were gearing up for math centers, my kiddos excitedly asked me what our new math centers were going to be like tomorrow. Then the conversation went a little like this:
Me: "Silly kids! We don't get new math centers until Monday!"
Kiddos: "But, Mrs. Feikert, after today we will have done all the centers!"
Me: "No, I think you must be confused. I'm sure we've only done these centers for 3 days--remember the Girl Scout assembly and the day our whole group lesson ran over so we didn't do centers, and . . . "
Kiddos: "Yes, but we've REALLY done all the centers after today! I think you're mixed up Mrs. Feikert! You weren't here Monday and Tuesday because you were meeting next year's kindergarteners, remember??"
And, then my light bulb went on. Those kids don't miss a beat! I did need new math centers FOR TOMORROW! Usually I have a couple weeks at a time planned out for math centers, but it was just one of those weeks where it snuck up on me! I had a sub for two days while we conducted screening for the incoming kindergarteners and I simply had lost two days of my life! So, as any good teacher would do, I sat down at my computer last night, went straight to Pinterest and pulled up my "math" board. This, my friends, is what Pinterest must have been made for. All those fun things that I had pinned and hoped to do sometime--yep! I clicked and downloaded and printed and clicked and downloaded and printed some more! And before I knew it, I had new math centers all ready to be laminated and cut out when I got to school in the morning. Thank goodness my kiddos go to art on Thurday morning for 55 minutes! I was a laminating and cutting fool!!
Here are a few of those fabulous activities I found via Pinterest that saved my life last night!
I found this awesome freebie from Inspired in Second. It's fabulous because there are several versions so you can challenge your really bright kiddos!
I downloaded this pack from Primary Junction and printed out the blank number grid. I filled in random numbers throughout the grid and my kiddos had to finish the grid then color in the numbers they would say when counting by 5s and 10s. They loved it!
We've been learning our coins so I found THIS on Teachers Pay Teachers. It was just what I needed. Simple and easy, yet good coin counting practice!

I also used this greater than/less than freebie that I got from Primary Possibilities on a blog hop a few weeks ago.
And there you have it! Fabulous math centers in a pinch all because of Pinterest and Teachers Pay Teachers! So my bloggy friends, next time you find yourself in a bind, KEEP CALM and SURF PINTEREST!
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