It's Sunday night again! Time for me to link up with Michelle at Fabulous in First for a little bit of my randomness! As I sat down to write this post, it hit me though--these carefree Sunday nights are coming to an end soon! Boo! Well, enough about that sad subject--here's what I've got for ya tonight!
I've been working hard at creating some things this week. Kind of like that mad dash to catch up on everything I had planned to do this summer, but haven't gotten around to yet! One of the things I made was this pirate behavior clip chart. I love how it turned out! And I especially love the preview I was able to create thanks to THIS great tutorial I found over at Ideas by Jivey. I knew there had to be a better way to create previews than the way I was doing it!
You can find this clip chart HERE in my TpT store. I love making these and have several other themes in the works. If there is something specific you are looking for, leave me a comment and maybe I'll add it to the list!
Much of our time now is taken up with getting our kids' 4H animals ready for the fair. I've been spending a lot of time with these boys. They are so cute, but they can be such a handful. Please start praying now that one of them doesn't drag my son through the show ring at the fair! The bigger they get, the harder it becomes for him to handle them!
We also have three pigs that we are prepping, too. Lots of animal walking going on around here!
I don't know if you knew this or not, but I also contribute to a collaborative blog called Teaching Blog Round Up. There are quite a few of us and we have something pretty exciting up our sleeves for you on Friday. Head over HERE to follow TBR so you won't miss out!

Here are a few other random facts from the week:
1. We had a pretty good storm on Wednesday and our power was out for 24 hours. Before you feel too bad for me, I should tell you that we have a standby generator that kicks on automatically. It doesn't run the whole house, but it does do most of it--and it's worth every penny!
2. I got THREE pool days in this week!
3. My kids start soccer camp tomorrow and I have to have them at the high school at 8:30am. WHAT??!!
4. I'm super jealous of all the Vegas talk and pics going on all over bloggy land and instagram-ville. I already told my husband that we are taking a mini-vacay next year and going to the conference. I want to meet you all!
And one last thing--
The fabulous Amanda over at Mrs. Pauley's Kindergarten has hit 400 followers on Bloglovin' AND TpT. She's put together a tremendous giveaway that you should totally head over and check out RIGHT NOW! I'm so thankful that she let me be a part of it!
Now I better hit the sack since I have to get those kids to soccer camp bright and early ALL week! Don't forget to check out Michelle at Fabulous in First to see everyone else's Smorgasbord of randomness!
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